7 min read/ 1043 words
Ever wondered, “Why is gut health important?” Well, it’s the secret to boosting your immune system, heart health, brain function, digestion, and overall well-being!

Table of Contents
What is the gut?
The gut is your digestive tract.
It is made up of 100 trillion bacteria and other microorganisms known as the gut microbiome, which is crucial to your overall health. These microorganisms are an essential part of your digestive system, aiding digestion, nutrient absorption, and waste elimination.
I mean, you probably guessed this much, right?
But did you know your gut does a lot more than help you with digestion?
It also regulates your metabolism, impacts the effectiveness of your immune system, helps you maintain a healthy weight(or not), and can even affect your mental health and moods. Maintaining a healthy balance of these microorganisms within your gut is the key to a properly functioning body.
How poor gut health affects your whole body
How important is having a robust immune system, a healthy heart, a properly functioning brain, effective digestion, restful sleep, and cancer and diabetes prevention to you? Because your gut can affect all of these things and more!
Having a healthy gut is vital to your overall health, and when it’s in an unhealthy state, it can make your life miserable and really gassy.
Seriously, nobody wants that.
By now, you can probably understand how an unhealthy gut can mess with other systems in your body. When the gut ain’t happy, ain’t no “body” happy.
Okay, I just made that up, but it’s the truth.
Let’s talk about how your gut affects each area in more detail.
Immune System.
Your immune system needs more from you than hand washing and covering your mouth when you cough to stay healthy.
It also heavily relies on you being mindful of your foods. A well-balanced diet can help keep your immune system working for you instead of against you.
Maintaining a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut aids in the development of T‑cells.
T-cells help your immune system decipher between your body’s healthy cells and things that may be harmful to your body. Too many “bad” bacteria in your gut can turn your immune system against you, resulting in it attacking your cells. This can overwork your immune system, making you susceptible to illness and longer recovery.
When left untreated, your body may have an autoimmune response, which can lead to autoimmune diseases such as Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease, Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, and more.
Researchers are finding that people who suffer from an overgrowth of bacteria in their small intestines(SIBO) are at a higher risk of developing heart disease.
Inflammation is another culprit responsible for heart problems. When your intestinal lining is weakened and becomes permeable(Leaky Gut), bacteria enter the bloodstream, resulting in increased inflammation.
Brain Function.
Your gut and your brain are connected both physically and chemically.
Physically through nerves and neurons and chemically through the foods we eat, neurotransmitters such as serotonin(happy hormone), and the immune system. Inflammation can cause depression. Changing the bacteria within the gut may have a direct effect on the brain, an interesting idea to think about.
Here’s a fun fact: about 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut. So, a happy gut could mean a happier you!
This one is more obvious, of course, and you probably have a good idea of how an unbalanced gut can mess with your digestion.
The gut helps with digestion by digesting the foods you eat, absorbing the nutrients from the food, then eliminating the waste. A gut that isn’t healthy can’t do its job properly and can lead to many problems, such as bloating, heartburn, skin conditions, food allergies, and autoimmune disorders.
Did you know your gut health can also affect your sleep?
The gut microbiome can influence the production of sleep hormones like melatonin. Poor gut health can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insomnia or poor-quality sleep.
And we all know how cranky you can get when you don’t sleep enough.
Cancer and Diabetes Prevention.
Research has shown that a healthy gut can help in preventing certain types of cancer and managing diabetes.
A balanced gut microbiome can reduce cancer risk through its anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, a healthy gut helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is crucial for diabetes management.
Why is gut health important?
Keeping your gut healthy is one of the most important steps to keep your whole self healthy.
Since your gut is linked to so many other systems throughout your body, taking care of it will, in turn, care for those other systems, too.
Eating simple, organic foods, moving a daily activity, and creating a lifestyle that isn’t ruled by chaos and stress will ensure your gut stays happy and healthy.
If your gut is currently in an unhealthy state(you can check the signs of an unhealthy gut here), it’s not too late to turn things around. With time and patience, you can heal your gut and body.
Let’s Summarize
Why is gut health important? A healthy gut is vital to a strong immune system, a healthy heart, a properly functioning brain, effective digestion, and more.
Your gut affects more than just your digestion and should be treated with care.
Eating well, reducing stress, and participating in daily exercise and stretching can make all the difference in your gut health. Isn’t it time you put your health and happiness first?
Let’s heal that gut and create a life you love, free from digestive discomfort and debilitating disease.
Ready to Take the Next Step?
Now that you have an answer to the question, why is gut health important, let’s discuss what you can do to improve it.
If you’re ready to take control of your gut health and transform your life, I’ve got your back.
Start with my Beginner’s Guide to Gut Health – it’s packed with tips and tricks to get your gut on track and includes a list of 60 gut-friendly foods you can easily add to your meal plan.
Or, if you want a more comprehensive approach, check out my Focus on Five Bundle. It covers all the essentials: movement, nutrition, sleep, stress management, and hydration. Let’s kick that gut into gear together. You’ve got this!